Vision: Touching lives for the better.

Mission: Building sustainable communities.

Our Expertise



Regional & Development Plans
Smart City Area based developments
Town planning schemes
Neighborhood Rejuvenation
Tourism, Waterfront Development Plans
Comprehensive Transportation Plans
Street Design Guidelines & Placemaking



Integrated Townships
Educational Campus and institutions
Healthcare Campus
Entertainment and Sports Facilities
Senior Citizen Living



Integrated Hill Stations



Low Cost Communities
PMAY housing schemes



Industrial Parks
Waste to Energy Plants



Transit-Oriented Developments
Business Parks & Hotels

Our Stories

Solapur Smart City - Laxmi Market

Laxmi Market Rejuvenation, Solapur Smart City- Laxmi market, the oldest market of Solapur with an existing heritage structure has been retrofitted to improve the working conditions & conserve the character of the precinct ensuring optimum utilization of the land asset.

Bhubaneshwar Smart City - Janpath Road

Redevelopment of Janpath Road, promotes inclusive growth of urban spaces that provide core infrastructure & an improved quality of life to the citizens.

Waste to Energy Plant, Pune

The proposed WtE Plant is a unique amalgamation of technical aspects of a processing plant & community requirements. It generates energy in the form of electricity and/or heat from the treatment of urban waste with by-products such as fly-ash bricks & fertilizers, also undertaking sustainable measures like solar energy, rain water harvest & reuse of excavated material.

PMAY Scheme - State of Gujarat

Project management consultancy services including construction supervision for high rise and low rise housing project at 6 sites under 4 divisions for Gujarat housing board.


We have a holistic, integrated and layered approach to put people and their needs first and bring a change in the built environment. We approach every project as an opportunity to provide people with an inviting, safe, accessible and sustainable environment.

Urban Planning Approach

Our unique urban design solutions redefine the role of public space to incorporate infrastructural systems. Our recognized  urban design solutions are as imaginative as they are functional. Our innovative process is combined with our skills in, urban extension, placemaking, neighborhood frameworks and urban street and design guidelines.

Urban Design Approach

Our planning practice follows a multidisciplinary approach with combined expertise who believe in strong research for precise decision making. We deliver thoughtful and comprehensive plans for large and complex as well as small scale projects for growth and community’s long-term vitality at the core.

Our Services

Urban Planning

Preparing Regional Plans, Landuse Plans, Development Plans, Town Planning Schemes, Neighborhood Plans, Smart City Area Based Development Plans, Community Engagement and Participatory Workshops.

Integrated Township Planning

Preparing Sustainable Master Plans, Comprehensive Transportation Plans, Integrated Urban Infrastructure Plans, Social and Digital Infrastructure Plans, Town Amenity Designs.

Landscape Planning

Environmental Master Plans, Recreational Area Plans, Streetscape Design, Biomimicry Landscape Architecture, Urban Branding and Signage Design.

Urban Design

Urban Extensions, Placemaking, City streets and plaza designs, Neighborhood Frameworks, Urban Design Guidelines, Street Design Guidelines and large Mixed-use Schemes.

Transformative Urbanism

Program management, SMART Cities, Adaptive Reuse, Brownfield Developments, Urban Regenerations, Area Rejuvenation, Cluster Redevelopment, Infrastructural Adaption, Cultural and Heritage Preservation.

Community Planning & Projects

Waterfront Development, Campus and Institutions, Entertainment and Sports, Healthcare Campuses, Transit Oriented Development, PMAY Affordable Housing Design and Project Management, Tourism Development Plan and Catalyst Projects, Waste to Energy Plant Architecture and Urban Forestry.

Project Footprint