Vision: Touching lives for the better.
Mission: Building sustainable communities.
Our Expertise
Our Stories
Solapur Smart City - Laxmi Market
Laxmi Market Rejuvenation, Solapur Smart City- Laxmi market, the oldest market of Solapur with an existing heritage structure has been retrofitted to improve the working conditions & conserve the character of the precinct ensuring optimum utilization of the land asset.
Bhubaneshwar Smart City - Janpath Road
Redevelopment of Janpath Road, promotes inclusive growth of urban spaces that provide core infrastructure & an improved quality of life to the citizens.
Waste to Energy Plant, Pune
The proposed WtE Plant is a unique amalgamation of technical aspects of a processing plant & community requirements. It generates energy in the form of electricity and/or heat from the treatment of urban waste with by-products such as fly-ash bricks & fertilizers, also undertaking sustainable measures like solar energy, rain water harvest & reuse of excavated material.
PMAY Scheme - State of Gujarat
Project management consultancy services including construction supervision for high rise and low rise housing project at 6 sites under 4 divisions for Gujarat housing board.
Project Footprint